English is the international language of business and being able to speak fluently and correctly gives you an edge above the rest. With this course you will get an in depth understanding of the various aspects of english grammar and how to apply it in your daily life. From spellings, pronunciations and vocabulary, this course covers it all.
You can join the program at any time and can access all content for 60 days. Upon enrollent, you will be able to see all modules of the program. For each module, the study material is provided in three formats, (a) presentation (b) text (3) video lecture . Along with reading material, there is a self evaluation quiz for each module. After 30 days from the enrollement test, you are eligible to give online certification exam , normally of one hour duration. You require to get minimum 50 % to complete the program successfully. Successful candidates can download e-certificate . Candidates scoring less then 50 % or not able to appear within 60 days from the date of enrollment, can appear after paying nominal re-exam fees.
Ms. Khadija Tambawala is a CELTA qualified Communication Skills Trainer, working in the ESL space for the last 10 years. Apart from her work with the British Council, she also works independently with organisations who are looking to improve their workforce's specific skills, and educational institutions that want to help equip their students with the skills necessary for the corporate world. Some may call her a 'grammar Nazi', but she is just deeply passionate about the power of English as a tool to a brighter future, especially when it's the only obstacle a bright mind may be facing on the way there.
Learners scoring minimum 50% or above, get e-certificate for the program from Skill Academy.