Course - Personal Branding


Personal Branding is essentially the ongoing process of establishing a prescribed image or impression in the mind of others about an individual, group, or organization.Personal Branding often involves the application of one's name to various products.

Program Benefits

  • Personal branding is the practice of marketing people and their careers as brands. It is an ongoing process of developing and maintaining a reputation and impression of an individual, group, or organization.
  • The way you present yourself to your employers, both current and future, plays a crucial part in career success and satisfaction. If you get it right, it can enhance your profile at work, helping you to win interesting projects, promotions and the respect of your colleagues. It will also increase your chances of being the successful candidate at job interviews or attracting clients to your business if you’re self-employed.
  • Personal branding is a popular theme for online blog posts and articles. Individuals are encouraged to use tried and tested marketing techniques to promote themselves effectively to the world. However, care must be taken to ensure that the process doesn’t go too far, ending with you presenting yourself in an overly polished, corporate way that doesn’t truly represent what you have to offer.

What you learn

  • Introduction to Personal Branding
  • Why is Personal Branding important
  • Knowing your Personal Brand
  • Communicating your Brand with the World
  • Personal Branding In the Workplace
  • Power of Tens

How program runs

You can join the program at any time and can access all content for 60 days. Upon enrollent, you will be able to see all modules of the program. For each module, the study material is provided in three formats, (a) presentation (b) text (c ) video lecture . Along with reading material, there is a self evaluation quiz for each module. After 30 days from the enrollement test, you are eligible to give online certification exam , normally of one hour duration. You require to get minimum 50 % to complete the program successfully. Successful candidates can download e-certificate . Candidates scoring less then 50 % or not able to appear within 60 days from the date of enrollment, can appear after paying nominal re-exam fees.

About the faculty


Suresh Jain is a business man who started in Mumbai and in a short period has expanded his business to the five metros of India. An MBA in Finance from Somaiya, spent over a decade in the the investment banking sector. A Passionate teacher an avid reader and a globe trotter.


Salient Features

  • Learning material developed by subject matter experts
  • Entire program divided into number of modules
  • Learning resources for each module is available in multiple formats of Text , presenation as well as video lecture from the expert faculty
  • Every module has quiz for practice and self-evalution
  • Certification exams through online mode


Learners scoring minimum 50% or above, get e-certificate for the program from Skill Academy.


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